INTRODUCTION: About this blog (and me!) | このブログについて(私も!)

2015-08-26-19-44-55_deco 2Hi everyone! My name is Cris and I’m 18 years old, from Spain. I can speak Spanish, English, Japanese and I’m starting to learn Korean too. So many languages!

こんにちはみなさん!私の名前はクリスで、 18歳とスペイン人です。スペイン語と英語と日本語を話せます。そして、韓国語も勉強し始めていますよ。たくさん言語ね!

I’m making this blog because I really love cute clothes, color lenses, videogames… and basically everything cute, I won’t even try hiding it :’> Also, since I began posting photos of my outfits on Instagram I’ve been told by many people that I dress very nice and cute, which has encouraged me to keep posting them ^-^


So, here I’ll upload photos of my outfits, color lenses reviews (and other things I buy) and many more. I’ll start uploading stuff once I have some entries ready, and once per two weeks or so (so I never run out of material, which I’m very afraid of :__ ) I hope you like them! :DD

それから、ここにはコーデの写真やカラコンレビューやほかの買ったものなどUpします。みなさん好きなといい! :3

(I’ll try to write in Japanese too, so more people can read me and to improve my Japanese skills too. It’ll be a little hard, but I accept the challenge!)


// Habrá entradas sobre cositas que compre en tiendas de España, en cuyo caso escribiré todo en español. ¿Tres idiomas en el mismo blog? Vale… no pasa nada :’] //

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